A Bird

Until about the beginning of the 19th century, a natural curiosity in a rock at Bellows Falls excited interest in scientific circles of the country. Near the head of the canal, upon the point of rock extending into the Connecticut River, between the canal and the foundation of the present Sullivan Railroad Bridge, there was the clearly defined footprint of a huge bird of some unknown species. It was described as an exact reproduction of an exaggerated hen’s track, and measured five feet in length. It had an appearance like that of a bird stepping into a plastic substance, as … Read more

The Christening Of Mount Kilburn

The mass of rock that rises abruptly from the east bank of the Connecticut at Bellows Falls was early known as “Falls Mountain,” later, “Fall Mountain,” and it was not until Tuesday, September 23, 1856, that it received its present name, “Mount Kilburn.” The class of ’57 of Amherst College, to the number of twenty-nine, came here on the noon train of that day, and early in the afternoon were joined by fifteen members of the class of ’57 of Middlebury College, and five or six seniors from Dartmouth. All were guests of the Amherst class, which had inaugurated the … Read more