
Daniel Pierce Thompson

Biography of Hon. Daniel Pierce Thompson

By D. F. Wheaton, of Barre Daniel Pierce Thompson, son of Daniel and Rebeckah Thompson, was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, Oct. 1, 1795, and emigrated with his father to Berlin in 1800; and here he passed his boyhood days, on his father’s farm, following the routine of a farmer boy’s life. But his desire was for books, the fishing-rod and his gun, and he left the farm in early manhood, without means, but determined to possess an education, and by his own efforts succeeded. He pursued his studies in Randolph and Danville, this State, and entered Middlebury College in 1816; […]

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Congregational Church in Berlin Vermont

Biography of Rev. Austin Hazen

By Rev. William S. Hazen, of Northfield Austin Hazen, son of Asa Hazen, was born in Hartford, June, 1786, about 2 miles from Hanover, New Hampshire. His mother’s name before marriage was Susanna Tracy. The Hazen family, which was large, was noted for its piety and general intelligence, and as being among the first settlers of the town. Mr. Hazen was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1807, and spent the next year in Binghampton, Pennsylvania [sic New York ?], teaching; in 1808, went to Washington, Connecticut, commenced the study of theology with Dr. E. Peters — date of his license

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Congregational Church in Berlin Vermont

Biography of Rev James Hobart

By James Hobart, Jr., of Worcester James Hobart was born in Plymouth, New Hampshire, Aug. 2, 1766, and came with his father to Berlin when about 21; was converted about 2 years after, and commenced preparing for college. He graduated at Dartmouth as A. B. in 1794; studied with Rev. Asa Burton, of Thetford; in the spring of 1795, was approbated to preach, and commenced in Chelsea, Vermont, as a candidate. The next year he was in Plymouth, New Hampshire, and in 1797 and ’98 at Nottingham, N.H., where he had a call to settle. During this time he preached

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