Vital Records of Lamoille County, Vermont

Vital records in Vermont are maintained by the Department of Buildings and General Services in Montpelier. Lamoille County, Vermont, like other counties in Vermont had its vital records recorded at the local level up until 1924 when the state began to receive a copy of these records. Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954This free database of Vermont vital records contains over 72,000 records for Lamoille County, Vermont. You should start your search here. If the records indexed so far do not produce the desired result then try a more in depth search by accessing the records of each town that have not … Read more

Lamoille County Vermont Courts

Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans counties, Vt title page

The act of the legislature incorporating the county provided that when some town should erect a suitable court-house and jail, the county should be deemed organized. This of course gave rise to much competition, as each town would naturally wish to secure to itself. the advantages and dignity appertaining to the county seat. . The lower portion of the county considered it the most advantageous to have Johnson made the shire town, while the northern portion wished to have it vested in Morristown. Finally the mooted question was left for a committee to settle, and Joshua Sawyer, a member of … Read more

Morristown, Lamoille County, Vermont

MORRISTOWN VERMONT, an irregularly outlined town in the central part of the county, lies in latitude 44 32′, and longitude 4° 20′, bounded north easterly by Hyde Park, southeasterly by Elmore, southwesterly by Stowe, and northwesterly by Johnson and Cambridge. It was granted November 6, 1780, and chartered to Moses Morse and sixty-four associates, August 24, 1781, containing 23,040 acres, until November 14, 1855, when a portion of Sterling was annexed to its territory. Sterling was a township chartered February 25, 1782, and settlement commenced therein in 1792. The people, however, soon grew tired of a separate organization. The first … Read more