Goshen Vermont Military History

Notwithstanding the sparseness of the population, the town has won an enviable record for unanimous patriotism, as evinced in the wars which have convulsed the country. Settlement had not begun here until years after the closing events of the Revolution had been enacted; but we have seen that a number of those who afterward erected their rude cabins within the limits of Goshen, bore the scars of that terrible struggle for independence. The War of 1812, however, found this town well equipped with men of nerve and daring who were eager to defend the cause of their country against the encroachment of a foreign foe. Asa Grandey, jr., and David Olmsted were killed in battle at French Mills. Jesse White, a much respected citizen, was in the United States service during a greater part of the war, and Sanford Grandey was also in the service, and in the battle of Plattsburgh. Such was the noise of that battle that the guns were heard here. Asa Grandey and his wife walked the road before their house, wringing their hands in an agony of grief, expecting to hear that Sanford was killed, as Asa had been before. When the alarm was given that the British were marching on Plattsburgh and a battle expected, Samuel White, Grindal Davis, Samuel C. Davis, Reuben Allen, David Ayer, jr., Martin Carlisle, Benjamin Phelps, jr., Robert Mason, Henry S. and Jonathan Olmsted, and Leonard Toby took their equipments and started for Plattsburgh. The battle was fought, however, before they arrived. John Ayer and Jesse White also served eighteen months in this war.

“There are two things, at least,” writes one, “of which the people of Goshen are proud. One is, that three presidents, Lincoln, Grant and Hayes, received the unanimous vote of the town. The other is, that during the late rebellion the quota of the town was more than filled.” No higher eulogy can be passed upon the past of the town, and no higher praise bestowed on those who fought in the civil war. The following are the names, so far as they can be ascertained, of those who served in Vermont organizations:

Volunteers for three years credited previous to call for 300,000 volunteers of October 17, 1863:

R. W. Allen, W. F. Allen, E. Ayers, W. Beckhorn, P. Blood, C. F. Brown, M. Courtney, H. M. Ferris, H. A. Hendee, H. Hooker, J. Lovell, J. R. McGibbon, V. D. Salls, A. P. Smith, P. Tyler.

Credits under call of October 17, 1863, for 300,000 volunteers, and subsequent calls:

Volunteers for three years.–H. D. Ayer, P. H. Blood, H. Brown, J. Hogan.

Volunteers for one year.–S. C. Alexander, S. T. Chamberlin, R. Laird.

Volunteers re-enlisted.–J. R. McGibbon, J. W. Pitridge.

Volunteers for nine months.–M. F. Allen, J. Ayers, D. B. Brown, H. S. Brown, J. W. Brown, N. Capen, E. Kelley, J. Washburn, J. S. Wilber.

Furnished under draft.–Paid commutation, A. Ayers, N. J. Phelps, S. H. Washburn. Procured substitute, A. S. Brown, H. J. Hendel.


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