Goshen Vermont Early Settlement
Goshen Vermont Early Settlement
Goshen Vermont Early Settlement
Cornwall Vermont Early Roads
Early Settlements in Cornwall, Addison County, VT
Cornwall Vermont Government Offices
Cornwall Vermont Military History
Many of the lawyers and physicians who have practiced in Cornwall in times past will receive more particular mention in general chapters devoted to their respective professions. Among the former Martin Post stands alone; while representatives of the latter profession are numerous, viz., Drs. Nathan Foot, Frederick Ford, sr., Frederick Ford, jr., Solomon Foot, Abraham Fleming, Horace Brooks, Rodolphus Field, Oliver J. Eells, R. C. Green, C. B. Currier, Thomas Porter Matthews, Marcus O. Porter and Darius Matthews. Descendants of Dr. Mathews now living in town still occupy the old farm, namely, W. H., T. P.D., and Abbie P. Matthews, … Read more
Cornwall Vermont Town Organization
FERRISBURGH is the most northeasterly town in the county, and is bounded on the north by Charlotte in Chittenden county; east by Monkton and New Haven; south by New Haven, Waltham, Vergennes and Panton, and west by Lake Champlain. On the 24th of June, 1762, it was granted by New Hampshire to Daniel Merrill and sixty-six others in seventy shares, and contained, according to charter, 24,600 acres. On the 23d of October, 1788, about one square mile of its territory went toward the formation of Vergennes. Except in the northeastern part, which is quite hilly, the surface is level, and … Read more
Ferrisburgh Vermont Biographies
Ferrisburgh Vermont Church History