
THE town of Goshen, situated on the southern boundary of Addison county, is bounded on the north by Ripton, on the east by Hancock and Rochester, south by Chittenden, and on the west by Brandon, Leicester and Salisbury. The town was granted by New Hampshire on the 23d of February, 1782, though the charter was not obtained until February 2, 1792. It entitled John Powell, William Douglass and sixty-three others to 13,000 acres. A new charter was granted on the 1st of November, 1798, by which two gores lying in Caledonia county, seventy miles away, containing respectively 2,828 and 7,339 … Read more

Addison, Vermont Genealogy

The town of Addison lies on the shore of Lake Champlain, in the western part of Addison county, and is bounded on the north by Panton; east by Waltham and Weybridge; south by Bridport, and west by Lake Champlain. The surface of the town is level or with a gradual slope towards the lake, except the extreme eastern part, which becomes hilly or mountainous, the highest elevation being Snake Mountain (or Grandview Mountain, as it is now called; this elevation rises to a height of 1,310 feet above sea level, and is the highest point in the county west of … Read more