Rutland Railroad Sold For $22 In 1855
Rutland Railroad Sold For $22 In 1855
Rutland Railroad Sold For $22 In 1855
Indian Faces On The Rocks
Spotted Fever Epidemic In New England In 1812
Indian Fishing Rights
During the navigation of the Connecticut River by steam, a steamboat of large size was drawn through the streets of Bellows Falls, because the size of the locks was not large enough to allow it to pass in the water. An interesting fact connected with the episode was that it was the same steamer on which James Mulligan, whom every railroad official of 40 years ago knew as the president of the Connecticut River Railroad, began his transportation experiences as its engineer. The steamer “William Hall,” familiarly spoken of in those days as the “Bill Hall,” was built in 1831, … Read more
John Atkinson Of London Who Built The Canal
Josiah White
The Last Abenaqui Chief At Bellows Falls, Vermont
The Massacre at Westminster, Vermont
Military Matters Of Bellows Falls And Rockingham