Lamoille County, VT Staples Production in 1870

Most of the county is an uncommonly fine farming territory, with a soil varying from clay and gravel to the finest alluvial deposits, and well adapted to grazing purposes and the manufacture of butter and cheese. Considerable attention is also given to raising fine bred horses and cattle. As the soil, etc , will be found more particularly mentioned in connection with the several town sketches, we will, at this point, only give some idea of the extent of the products by the following statistics, taken from the census reports of 1870. During that year there were 106,638 acres of improved land in the county, while the farms were valued at $5,675,180.00 and produced 18,257 bushels of wheat, 2,740 bushels of rye, 61,836 bushels of Indian corn, 168,103 bushels of oats, 2,977 bushels of barley, 20,224 bushels of buckwheat, and 333,185 bushels of potatoes. There were also 2,703 horses, 8,886 milch cows, 1,375 working oxen, 9,377 sheep, and 2,480 hogs. From the milk of the cows was manufactured 984,378 pounds of butter, and 39,199 pounds of cheese, while the sheep yielded 50,022 pounds of wool.

Agricultural Society

An Agricultural Society was organized at an early date, and has been continued in various forms since, though it has nearly dwindled out several times. In 1872, it was reorganized as the Lamoille Valley Fair Ground Company, with R. R. Waite, of Stowe, president; Alger Jones, of Wolcott,. treasurer; and A. A. Niles, of Morrisville, clerk. The fair ground is situated in Morristown, and is one of the best located and finest arranged in the State. The present officers of the society are as follows: Hon. George W. Hendee, of Morrisville, president; W. S. Pond, of Eden, vice-president; H. D. W. Doty, of Hyde Park, treasurer; and A. A. Niles, of Morrisville, clerk.

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