Civil War


Berlin Vermont in the Early Wars

Berlin Roll of Honor for 1814 Names of men that went to Plattsburgh. Jacob Flanders, Zelotus Scott, Samuel Hubbard, Stephen Wright, Mr. Tiliston, Ensign, Jeremiah Culver, Jeremiah Goodhue, Josiah Benjamin, Ebenezer Bailey, Samuel Currier, Abraham Townsend, Cyrus Johnson, Captain, Roger Buckley, Ord. Sergt., James Perley, Capt. Taylor, Eliada Brown, James Smith, Richard Smith, Alanson Wright, John Stewart, 1st Lieut., E. M. Dole, Samuel Perley, Moses H. Sawyer, Asa Dodge. Berlin Volunteers in the Civil War Samuel P. Atwood, Charles Bailey, Joel O. Bailey, William R. Bean, Peter Bressette, Chester Brown, Eliphalet E. Bryant, Charles N. Cilley, James M. D. Cilley, […]

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Bird's Eye view of Barre Vermont 1891

History of Barre Village, Vermont

Barre Village is situated nearly in the center of the town. The principal stream running through the village is called Jail Branch, taking its name from a log jail once built on its bank. Coming from the south part of the town is a stream called Stevens’ Branch, and uniting with Jail Branch before it enters the village. On this stream is situated a famous water-privilege called Day‘s mills, on which is now a grist and sawmill, an extensive door, sash and blind manufactory; on the same stream there is also Robinson’s sash and blind establishment and granite polishing works,

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