History of Berlin Vermont

1873 Map of Berlin Vermont

Berlin in Washington County, Vermont, lat. 40° 13,’ long. 4° 25,’ near the center of the State, bounded North by Middlesex, Montpelier and part of East Montpelier, East by Barre and part of Williamstown, South by Northfield and part of Williamstown, and West by Moretown, was chartered June 8, 1763, wherein it was declared “and is hereby incorporated into a township by the name of Berlin.” — 70 equal shares. [1]Book of Charters, page 473-474 The first settlement was commenced in the summer of 1785, by Ebenezer Sanborn from Corinth, on what was afterwards known as the “Bradford farm,” about … Read more

History of the Congregational Church in Berlin Vermont

Congregational Church in Berlin Vermont

From Notes by James Hobart, Jr. The 1st Congregational church in Berlin, Vermont, was organized Oct. 13, 1798, consisting of Aaron Goff, Simpson Stewart and William Flagg, men about 50 years of age. Probably this was the 2d organization of any denomination in the County; the Congregational church in Waitsfield was organized 2 years before. At this time there were in town 85 families, and for 8 years previous, several missionaries had preached on the Sabbath and lectured, and some money had been raised by subscription and paid for preaching. Before the organization of the church a few professors of … Read more

History of Barre Village, Vermont

Bird's Eye view of Barre Vermont 1891

Barre Village is situated nearly in the center of the town. The principal stream running through the village is called Jail Branch, taking its name from a log jail once built on its bank. Coming from the south part of the town is a stream called Stevens’ Branch, and uniting with Jail Branch before it enters the village. On this stream is situated a famous water-privilege called Day‘s mills, on which is now a grist and sawmill, an extensive door, sash and blind manufactory; on the same stream there is also Robinson’s sash and blind establishment and granite polishing works, … Read more

History of Granite Manufacturing in Barre, Vermont

Barre Vermont stone cutters 1902

Smith & Kimball Quarry Paper of E. L. Smith, Dealer in Barre Granite In regard to the statement of the “quarries ” of Barre, I cannot give a very definite one in regard to any but of the one in which I am interested. This one, known as the Smith & Kimball Quarry, is located upon the farm formerly owned by the late Edward J. Parker, consists of nearly 3 acres, and has not been fully developed as yet. It was opened in the summer of 1879, by E. J. Parker, but not worked to any extent until the spring … Read more

Early Military Record of Barre, Vermont


From the account of Charles A. Smith in The Barre Enterprise, the following, whose graves were covered with flowers Decoration day—last month—were Soldiers of the Revolution: Major Wm. Bradford, Abel Camp, Gould Camp, Lemuel Clark, in Barre Cemetery; Warren Ellis, Nathan Harrington, Capt. Asaph Sherman, Nath’l Sherman, Adolphus Thurston, in Williston Cemetery Soldiers in the War of 1812: David W. Aldrich, Sylvanus Aldrich, John Bancroft, Wm. Bassett, William Bradford, Jr., James Britain, Carver Bates, Simon Briggs, Simon Barber, Joel Bullock, Samuel Cook, Otis French, Bartholomew French, Bart French, Jr., David French, John Gale, Israel Gale, John Hillery, Joel Holden, Reuben … Read more

Stafford & Holden Manufacturing Co.

Bird's Eye view of Barre Vermont 1891

From a very interesting description in the Argus and Patriot, of Nov. 13, 1877, with present statement of the Company, June, 1881. “The foremost industry in Barre to-day (1877) is the manufacture of forks and ice tools. In 1861, two Brookfield men, Herrick and Adams, established themselves at the mill-privilege in the upper part of Barre village; run four fires and one trip-hammer, and turned out from 300 to 600 dozen per year of round-tined hay and manure-forks. Frank Safford and Loren D. Blanchard bought the business in 1864, and Blanchard sold out to Clark Holden. The first year’s business … Read more

Early Social Clubs of Barre Vermont

Bird's Eye view of Barre Vermont 1891

Granite Lodge F. & A. M. was chartered January 11, 1855, to John Twing, Otis Peck, James Hale, Maynard French, Adolphus Thurston, S. W. Davis, Martin Keith and their associates. The first three principal officers installed were Alva Eastman, W. M., Martin Keith, S. W., Webber Tilden, J. W.; and Clark Holden was the first Secretary elected by the Lodge. The organization has been in good working order from the first, and its membership steadily increased with the growth of the place, being now 125. They have a pleasant and commodious lodge room in the old Tilden Block. The lodge … Read more

History of Barre Vermont

Bird's Eye view of Barre Vermont 1891

Barre is situated in the S. E. part of Washington Co., lat, 44° 11′, long. 4° 31′, bounded N. by East Montpelier and Plainfield, E. by Orange, S. by Williamstown and Washington, W. by Berlin, contains 19,900 acres, and was chartered Nov. 6, 1780, to William Williams and 66 others by the name of Wildersburgh, and organized under that name Mar. 11, 1793: Joseph Dwight, first town clerk; Joseph Sherman, Joseph Dwight, Nathan Harrington, selectmen; Jonas Nichols, treasurer; Job Adams, constable; Isaac S. Thompson, Apollos Hale, Elias Cheney listers. The name of the town was soon after changed. At a … Read more

The National Bank of Barre Vermont

Bird's Eye view of Barre Vermont 1891

Contributed by Mr. Smith It was chartered and organized Jan. 11, 1873, by the removal of the old Chelsea Bank to this place, effected through the influence of Hon. B. W. Bartholomew, of Washington, Vermont, and Dr. Braley, of Barre. Dr. N. W. Braley was chosen President of the first board of directors, and William G. Austin, Cashier. Mr. Austin died of typhoid fever in the autumn of the same year, and was succeeded by Chas. A. King till 1877. On the night of the 5th of July, 1875, an attempt was made to burglarize the bank by compelling the … Read more