Early Social Clubs of Barre Vermont

Granite Lodge F. & A. M. was chartered January 11, 1855, to John Twing, Otis Peck, James Hale, Maynard French, Adolphus Thurston, S. W. Davis, Martin Keith and their associates. The first three principal officers installed were Alva Eastman, W. M., Martin Keith, S. W., Webber Tilden, J. W.; and Clark Holden was the first Secretary elected by the Lodge. The organization has been in good working order from the first, and its membership steadily increased with the growth of the place, being now 125. They have a pleasant and commodious lodge room in the old Tilden Block. The lodge have ever given ready attention to the calls of charity, caring for a sick and needy brother, and distributing to the wants of a brother’s widow and orphans. Measures have recently been taken to provide a burial fund in the benefits of which the family of every member might share. Thirteen masters have been elected by the lodge since its organization; of these Geo. W. Tilden held the office 7 years, and to his labors the Craft owes much of its prosperity. Past Masters: Alva Eastman, Martin Keith, Webber Tilden, Dr. N. W. Perry, A. A. Owen, Justin H. Blaisdell, Geo. W. Tilden, Henry D. Bean, Hial O. Hatch, Eli Holden, Henry H. Wetmore, Dr. J. Henry Jackson.

Barre Lodge, No. 929, Knights of Honor, was instituted in Barre, March 4, 1878, composed of 13 Charter members: George W. Tilden, J. H. Jackman, M. D., E. D. Blackwell, J. M. Perry, O. H. Reed, W. A. Perry, B. W. Braley, M. D., C. A. Gale, M. D., E. D. Sabin, Henry Priest, F. P. Thurber, J. G. Morrison, L. J. Mack, and the officers of the lodge were, Henry Priest, Dictator; D. Blackwell, V. D.; J. G. Morrison. A. D.; B. W. Braley, G.; W. A. Perry, R.; J. M. Perry, F. R.; O. H. Reed, T.; L. J. Mack, G.; F. P. Thurber, S.; J. H. Jackson, C.; George W. Tilden, P. D. The lodge met in Masonic Hall until Feb. 1, 1879, after which they rented and furnished a hall in Jackman’s block, where they still remain. Meeting the 2d and 4th Monday evenings of each month. The lodge has been always in a flourishing condition since first organized, there being an average addition of 20 members each year. The lodge is under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the State, but makes reports direct to the Supreme Lodge, and also sends all money for widows’ and orphans’ benefit fund direct to the Supreme treasurer, the Supreme lodge only having power to pay out money on death benefits. There has been twelve assessments for the year ending June 30, 1881, making only six dollars paid for each thousand dollars insurance. When the Order was smaller and also in the time of the yellow fever south, there were assessments amounting to eight dollars per thousand. Three deaths have occurred in the Order in Barre Lodge since its organization; Frank P. Thurber Dec. 3, 1879, Thomas McGovern Nov. 4, 1880, and C. H. Chamberlin, M. D., Feb. 22, 1881. A death benefit of ($2,000) two thousand dollars each was paid to their families very soon after the death of these members, and was of great benefit to the families. The lodge now consists of 68 members and is constantly increasing. The present officers are W . C. Nye, D.; L. W. Scott, V. D.; Lewis Keith, A. D.; George M. Goss, R.; George P. Boyce, F. R.; B. W. Braley, T.; A. C. Reed, C.; C. A. Wheaton, Guide; William Clark, Guardian; W. L. Huntington, S.; O. H. Reed, P. D. Our lodge is free from debt; the hall nicely and tastefully furnished. A new Prescott organ purchased this spring stands in the hall, and we have a surplus of $200 in the treasury; our best citizens are its members, and we predict for the Knights of Honor in this place a green and flourishing old age.


Article is based largely on the The Vermont historical gazetteer : a magazine embracing a history of each town, civil, ecclesiastical, biographical and military.
Additions, corrections, changes, and design have been made to the original source to produce this article. Those additions and changes are © 2020 by Vermont Genealogy.

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