Lamoille County, Vermont and the Civil War

For a period of many years subsequent to the war of 1812, peace brooded over the green hills and fertile valleys of Vermont. Youths had grown to manhood and old age; the gray-haired grandsire, as he trotted the children upon his knee, rehearsed to them the stories they loved best to hear-tales of the deeds of the brave McDonough, and of ” Old Ethan ” at Ticonderoga. Prosperity asserted itself in the hum of busy machinery, telling of the increase of manufacturing interests, in the silver threads that were branching in all directions, proclaiming the route of the “iron horse” … Read more

Directories of Lamoille County, Vermont

The following are the known directories existing online for Lamoille County. 1883 – 1884 Lamoille County Vermont Directory Belvidere, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Cambridge, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Eden, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Elmore, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Hyde Park, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Johnson, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Morristown, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Stowe, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Waterville, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Wolcott, Lamoille County, Vermont Directory Directories are primarily useful for locating people in a particular place and time. They can tell you generally where an ancestor lived and give an exact location for census years. They … Read more

Eden, Lamoille County, Vermont

EDEN VERMONT, a lumbering town located in the northern part of the county, in lat. 44° 22′, and long. 4° 25′, bounded north by Lowell, in Orleans county, and Montgomery, in Franklin county, east by Craftsbury, in Orleans county, south by Hyde Park and Johnson, and west by Belvidere, was granted November 7, 1780, and chartered August 28, 1781, the charter deed reading as follows: “The Governor, Council, and General Assembly of the Freemen of the State of Vermont: To all people to whom these presents shall come, Greeting : Know ye, that whereas Col. Seth Warner and his associates, … Read more

Elmore, Lamoille County, Vermont

Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans counties, Vt title page

ELMORE VERMONT, located in the southeastern part of the county, in lat. 44° 29′, and long. 4° 29′, is bounded northeasterly by Wolcott, southeasterly by Woodbury, southwesterly by Worcester, and northwesterly by Morristown, thus lying seventeen miles north from Montpelier, and thirty-three east from Burlington. The township contains an area of 23,040 acres, granted by the State to Samuel Elmore, from whom it derived its name, and sixty-four others, November 7, 1780, though the charter was not issued until August 21, 1781. The surface of the town is somewhat uneven and broken, especially in the western part, where the territory … Read more

Early Exploration of Vermont

It has been aptly said, that “that country is the happiest which furnishes fewest materials for history;” yet, if rightly considered, the duty of the historian will be found not limited to the narration of the dramatic events of war, but equally applicable to the arts of peace, and that the true heroes of mankind are those who have manfully encountered and overcome the difficulties which might have hindered them from arriving at honorable ends by honest means. Viewed in this light, the pioneer who has subdued the wilderness of nature, and surrounded his home with the luxuries of a … Read more

Formation of the State of Vermon

During these wars, also, grants of land lying within the present limits of the State had been made by the Dutch, at Albany, by the French, and by the colonies of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York, and each claimed jurisdiction over them. All of these claims, except that of New York, however, were relinquished without much controversy, of which more will be spoken on another page. But at the cessation of hostilities the lands were sought so eagerly by adventurers, speculators, and settlers, that in a single year subsequent to 1760, Gov. Wentworth, of New Hampshire, granted in the … Read more

Geographic Features of Lamoille

Lamoille county, as now constituted, once formed a part of the original counties of Albany, Charlotte, Bennington, Rutland, Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, Orleans, and Washington. The old Dutch county of Albany, with Albany, N. Y., as its capitol, extended north to the Province line. During the controversy between New York and the New Hampshire grantees, numerous writs of ejectment, executions, and other legal processes were issued out of, and made returnable to the courts at Albany, and were served, or at least were attempted to be served, by the sheriffs of that place. On March 12, 1772, New York, in order … Read more

Belvidere, Lamoille County, Vermont

BELVIDERE VERMONT, a very mountainous, pentagonal shaped town, located in the northwestern corner of the county, in 44° 47′ north latitude, and in longitude 4° 19′ east from Washington, is bounded north by Avery’s Gore, and Montgomery, in Franklin county, east by Eden, south by Johnson and Waterville, and west by Waterville. It was granted to a Mr. John Kelley, of New York city, March 5, 1787, and chartered by Vermont, November 14, 1791, by the name of Belvidere. The town originally contained an area of 30,100 acres, but was shorn of its limits November 15, 1824, when a portion … Read more

Biographies of Lamoille County

Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans counties, Vt title page

The following biographies are contained at Access Genealogy and linked here for your usage.. Adams, Asa Adams, Ezra Nathan Adams, Nathan Alger, Benjamin Alger, Reuben Allen, Isaac Andrews, Asa Andrews, Joseph Jr. Andrus, Luther Andrus, Merrill Atkins, Hiram S. Atwell, Nathan Atwell, William C. Austin, John Bacon, V. N. Bailey, George W. Bailey, J. C. Bailey, Joseph C. Baker, Sewell Balch, Solomon Barnes, Ebenezer Barnes, Samuel Barrows, Jonathan Bassett, Massa Bates, Jacob Bennett, Joseph Benson, Joseph Benson, Joseph, Jr. Bentley, Elisha Bigelow, Newell Bingham, Jebediah Bingham, Luther Blaisdell, Daniel Blaisdell, Samuel Boardman, Orias Brewster, Jonah Bridge, Jonathan Brown, Curtis Brown, … Read more

Cambridge, Lamoille County, Vermont

CAMBRIDGE VERMONT, located in the the extreme western part of the county, in latitude 44° 38′, and longitude 4° 7′, bounded north by Fletcher, in Franklin county, and Waterville, east by Johnson, Morristown and Stowe, south by Underhill, and west by Underhill and Fletcher, was granted Nov. 7, 1780, and chartered August 13, 178r, to Samuel Robinson, John Fassett, Jr., Jonathan Fassett, and sixty-four others. The town originally contained 23,533 acres, but two miles from the western part of Sterling were annexed to its area, Oct. 30, 1828, and again, November 1, 1841, all that portion of Fletcher which lay … Read more