Elmore, Lamoille County, Vermont

ELMORE VERMONT, located in the southeastern part of the county, in lat. 44° 29′, and long. 4° 29′, is bounded northeasterly by Wolcott, southeasterly by Woodbury, southwesterly by Worcester, and northwesterly by Morristown, thus lying seventeen miles north from Montpelier, and thirty-three east from Burlington. The township contains an area of 23,040 acres, granted by the State to Samuel Elmore, from whom it derived its name, and sixty-four others, November 7, 1780, though the charter was not issued until August 21, 1781.

The surface of the town is somewhat uneven and broken, especially in the western part, where the territory is cut by the “Hogback” range of mountains. On the lower slopes of these, and in the vicinity of Elmore pond, in the northern part of the town, are found some of the most highly cultivated farms in the Lamoille valley, if not in the whole State. The soil is of a good quality and well watered. The several streams of the northern part fall into the Lamoille river, while those of the southern part flow into the Winooski. Elmore pond, covering an area of 500 acres, is a beautiful little sheet of water lying in the northern part of the town. Several other small ponds are formed throughout the town. The timber is mostly of the hardwood varieties.

The geological structure of the territory is composed of rocks of the talcose schist formation. Several minerals of value have been discovered, among which are iron and copper ores. The former was at one time quite extensively wrought, but nothing during late years has been done with it.

In 1880, Elmore had a population of 682, and in 1882, was divided into nine school districts and contained eight common schools, employing one male and fifteen female teachers, to whom was paid an aggregate salary of $804.90. W. E. Colby was school superintendent.

Elmore Village

Elmore, a post village located in the northern part of the town, contains one church (Methodist), an hotel, store, and about a dozen dwellings. The village is pleasantly situated on Elmore pond, and commands a fine prospect of the surrounding country.

East Elmore

East Elmore (p. o.) is a hamlet located in the eastern part of the town. A Methodist society was organized here in 1870, and now has about fifty members, with Rev. X. Udall, pastor. Services are held in the school-house.

Manufacturing in Elmore

Woodbury & Ward‘s saw-mill, located in the northern part of the town, on Pond brook, was formerly used as a starch factory, being converted into a saw-mill in 1881. It has the capacity for cutting 1,000 feet of lumber per hour. The mill is also supplied with planing and matching machines and a shingle saw.

Gray‘s saw-mill, located in the northeastern part of the town, on East branch, was built in 1855, by L. H. Gale. It was purchased by the present proprietor, George Gray, in 1879, who manufactures about 800,000 feet of lumber per annum.

L. A. Gale‘s saw-mill, located in the eastern part of the town, on East branch, was built in 1871, by George Gray and Mr. Gale. The mill turns out about 500,000 feet of lumber per year, most of which is dressed before it is shipped.

George A. Morse‘s saw-mill, located at East Elmore, was built about the year 1871, by James and Ira Youngs. Mr. Morse manufactures about 1,000,000 feet of lumber per annum.

F. B. Morse‘s shingle and clapboard-mill, located on road 30, was built in 1880-81. The building is 40 by 60 feet, three stories in height, and well equipped for the purposes for which it is intended. Mr. Morse intends to put in a grist-mill at no distant day.

A. P. & F. L. Slayton‘s saw-mill, located in the southeastern part of the town, on Hardwood Platte brook, was built in 1860, being started on Thanksgiving day of that year. The mill operates a circular saw and cuts about 300,000 feet of lumber per year.

R. G. Hill‘s saw-mill, located near the head of North branch, is operated by both steam and water-power, and cuts about 1,500,000 feet of lumber per annum, dressed and matched ready for market.

Early Settlers of Elmore, Vermont

The settlement of Elmore was commenced in July, 1790, by Martin and Jesse Elmore, James and Seth Olmstead, Aaron Keeler and others, mostly from Sharon and Norwalk, Connecticut. There being at the taking of the first census, in 1791, twelve persons in the town. The first town meeting was held July 23, 1992, when Joseph Leach was chosen town clerk and constable Job Gibbs, Joseph Leach, and James Olmstead, selectmen. Martin Elmore was the first representative and first justice of the peace. The latter office he held eighteen consecutive years, and was also town clerk forty-one years, from 1797 to 1838. Jonathan Bridge was a justice twenty-nine years. Henry Olmstead was the first child born in the town, May 14, 1793. Martin Elmore represented the town in the legislature for several years at first ; Jonathan Bridge in 1827-’28, and in 1836 ; Abner Doty, in 1829, ’30, ’32 ; Martin Elmore in 1831, ’33, ’34, and ’35 ; Peleg Schofield, in 1837; Samuel Bailey, in 1838; Jesse N. Perley, in 1839; George W. Bailey, in 1840 and ’42; Seth Town, in 1841 and ’43; Heman H. Elmore, in 1845, and ’46; Joseph C. Bailey, in 1847 and ’48; Crispus Shaw, in 1849 and ’50; Hiram P. Doty, in 1851, and of late years by A. M. Kelley, C. S. Parker, A. P. Slayton, H. D. Cook and others, the present incumbent being George A. Morse. Martin Elmore, Jonathan Bridge, Peleg Schofield, and George W. Bailey, were members of the Constitutional Conventions. Elmore has also furnished several of the county officers, as follows : George W. Bailey, senator; Jonathan Bridge and C. S. Parker, assistant judges ; George W. Bailey and C. S. Parker, sheriffs; George W. Bailey, C. S. Parker, A. W. Averill, and Freeman Smith, bailiffs.

The Elmore Methodist Episcopal Church

The Elmore Methodist Episcopal Church, located at Elmore village, was originally built in 1836, and rebuilt in 1874. It is a commodious wood structure, capable of seating 300 persons, and valued at $5,000. The society now has sixty members, with Rev. Dyer Willis, pastor.



Child, Hamilton; Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans counties, Vt., for 1883-84; Syracuse, N.Y., H. Child, 1883.

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