Railroads of Lamoille County, Vermont

The St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain Railroad

The St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain railroad, extending from Maquam bay to St. Johnsbury, crosses this county, passing through the towns of Cambridge, Johnson, Hyde Park, Morristown, and Wolcott. It was formerly called the Lamoille Valley railroad, and was completed through to Swanton, and the first train of cars passed over it on Tuesday, July 17, 1877. Soon after this, the road was completed from the village of Swanton to the bay, about two miles. The first train passed over this portion of the road August 23, 1877. The present officers of the company are Horace Fairbanks, of St. Johnsbury, president; A. B. Jewett, superintendent; W. P. Fairbanks, treasurer; and G. H. Stevens, general freight and passenger agent.

The Burlington & Lamoille Railroad

The Burlington & Lamoille railroad connects with the St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain railroad at Cambridge Junction. The company was organized February 24, 1875, under the general laws of the State, with William B. Hatch, of New York, president; N. Parker, of Burlington, vice-president; E. W. Peck, of Burlington, treasurer; and D. C. Linsley, of Burlington, general manager. The construction of the road was commenced in May, 1875, and it was finished and opened for traffic July 2, 1877, extending from Burlington to Cambridge, a distance of thirty-five miles.

The Burlington & Northeastern Railroad

The Burlington & Northeastern railroad company was chartered last year, 1882, authorizing the construction of a road from Cambridge junction to North Troy and Newport. Owing to uncertainties then existing regarding desired connections at Troy, Newport was named as a terminus, as a precautionary measure, though it will probably extend to North Troy. The locating survey for the first ten miles, from Cambridge junction to Johnson, has already been made, (March, 1883) and as soon as the season opens, work will be begun in earnest.


Child, Hamilton; Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans counties, Vt., for 1883-84; Syracuse, N.Y., H. Child, 1883.

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