Newspapers of Lamoille County, Vermont

During the first half of the present century, began the establishment of a newspaper in Lamoille county, an important era in the growth of any community, for it marks the sure progress of enterprise. Since that time, except two or three intervals of a short period each, the people have not been without a home paper.

The Christian Luminary

The Christian Luminary, the first paper established in the county, was begun at Stowe, in September, 183o, issued by “a publishing committee,” with Josiah Knight, contracting agent, and Rev. Jehiel P. Hendee, father of ex-Gov. Hendee, editor and proprietor. This was a small, semi-monthly sheet, continued about two years and a half. During the first year of its publication, Mr. Hendee set the type and carried the forms forty miles, to Danville, Vermont, to have the press-work done. He then secured a small press and did the printing at home. Among those who acted as his agents in the county, were Elder J. Moffit, of Johnson; B. R. Carpenter, of Waterville, and Galen Palmer, of Wolcott. In a copy shown the writer, No. 13, Vol. II., issued February 25, 1833, was the following novel announcement:

“Twenty-five per cent discount will be made to those who pay in advance [one dollar per annum], and the same will be added to those who neglect to pay at the end of the volume. All letters to the editor must be postpaid in order to secure due attention, unless containing one or more subscriptions.”

The Vermont State Paper

The Vermont State Paper, published at Johnson, by C. G. Eastman, was established in 1838, and continued two years.

The Lamoille Express

The Lamoille Express was then started by Mr. Eastman. This sheet passed into the hands of Wires & Co., who changed its title to the Lamoille Banner, and it finally expired, after a life of about thirty years.

The Scorpian

The Scorpian, a campaign paper, was published at Johnson a short time, by Eastman & Co., in 1840.

The Lamoille Whig

The Lamoille Whig was commenced at Johnson, in 1840, by Joseph Poland. After about two years Mr. Poland changed the title to the Lamoille Standard, and one year later sold out to W. B. Hyde, who started a paper called The Family Visitor, and issued twenty-five numbers, when his paper came out under the name of The Investigator; but there were not six numbers issued when it was discontinued, and there was no other paper issued in the county until 1850.

The American Citizen

The American Citizen was then commenced at Morrisville, by J. A. Somerby in 1851. This was continued a short time, when the name was changed to the American Observer, which, after a short time, died out.

There appears to be three locations for researching the microfilm of The American Citizen (consisting of only 4 weekly issues), covering the dates of  12 Jun 1851 – 3 Jul 1851. It is unknown whether this is a complete set of the short lived newspaper.

These same three locations carry microfilm of the American Observer. The coverage dates 7 Oct 1852 to 29 Dec 1853. It is unknown whether this is a complete set of the newspaper.

The University of Vermont also has limited copies of the newspaper in paper format. Dates cover the period of 2 Dec 1852 – 8 Sep 1853 (not inclusive.)

The Lamoille Newsdealer

The Lamoille Newsdealer was commenced at Hyde Park, Friday, November 30, 1860, by S. Howard, Jr. In August, 1864, it was purchased by Charles C. Morse, who enlarged it and continued its publication until April, 1867, when Col. E. B. Sawyer bought the property. Mr. Sawyer published the paper until May 10, 1870, when Mr. Morse again assumed control. On June 8, 1876, it passed into the hands of Lucius H. Noyes; his death, however, February 4, 1877, left the paper without a head, though it was sustained by his estate until March 21, of that year. On that date its subscription list and good-will were purchased by A. A. Earle, then of the Vermont Citizen, who removed the office to Morrisville.

The Vermont Citizen

The Vermont Citizen was started at Morrisville, April 3, 1873, by A. A. Earle. November 17, 1881, Mr. Earle sold out to H. C. Fiske and L. H. Lewis, and the paper was united with the Lamoille News, to form the News and Citizen.

The Lamoille News

The Lamoille News was commenced at Hyde Park, April 18, 1877, by O. S. Basford. On August 21, 187 8, the names of Armstrong & Lewis appeared on the paper as publishers, with Mr. Basford as editor. On November 2oth, Mr. Basford retired, and on August 6, 1879, Mr. Armstrong also relinquished his connection with the publication. Mr. Lewis continued in charge alone until November 17, 1881, when H. C. Fiske joined him in the purchase of the Vermont Citizen, and after the 23d of that month the papers were united under the title of the News And Citizen.

The News And Citizen

The News and Citizen, whose history has thus already been told, is as bright and newsy a sheet as one would wish to meet. The editors, Messrs. Lewis & Fiske, illustrate by the paper they make each week, that they know what journalism is, and are not afraid to exert the energy necessary to bring their paper up to the standard. The Lamoille Publishing Co. also illustrate, by their workmanship, that they are fully competent and liberal enough to set forth their editors’ work in an attractive form. The paper is ostensibly issued at Morrisville and Hyde Park, one of the editors residing in each village, though really the publishing office is at Morrisville, and the job printing establishment at Hyde Park.



Child, Hamilton; Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans counties, Vt., for 1883-84; Syracuse, N.Y., H. Child, 1883.

1 thought on “Newspapers of Lamoille County, Vermont”

  1. I found that very fascinating. Thank you so much for all the information because it’s extremely hard to find history of any kind in the Lamoille County unless it’s during specific events.
    I really appreciate you being so thorough in your research. It helps a great deal when I’m trying to write a book and I have to add real historical facts and there is very little to find about many things in this county. So I greatly appreciate it.


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